Many Types of Mates

Picture of David Bowie & Iman…. 

Soul – Mates

You have crossed paths before. It can also be platonic best friends.

Soulmates have met each other and a previous time.

You’re both on the same page with values, ethics, and goals. You may have a different way of reaching those goals, but you both want the same end result.

You’re not afraid of having a conversation.

Conversations can be challenging. Expressing concerns or attempting to make decisions is uncomfortable. Soulmates know that if they join together, they will be able to work it out.

Whether it’s tennis three times a week or girls’ night out, you respect each other’s need for independence, knowing that when you get together, your time alone is special.

You respect each other’s differences and opinions.

You know you have different opinions. You still have your own opinion, but instead of agreeing to disagree, there is a deep level of respect for each other. You listen and honor the differences.

Of course you feel the anger. People unintentionally hurt each other. But soulmates aren’t nasty, hurtful, or punitive.

One person may be the extrovert, while one is the introvert. One may be social, while the other a homebody. Soulmates are often opposite of who they are.

Being in each other’s presence washes away all your stress, worries, and anxiety.

Twin – Flames

Spiritually speaking, it is said that even before you were born, the name of your spiritual half has been determined. Each soul has a perfect match… your twin flame.

Although most people think of a twin flames as a perfect harmonious union of bliss, your true spiritual twin flames is the person who is intended to help you “complete yourself.”

Twin Flames complete each other. A person is unable to complete his mission in life alone. Everyone needs someone to help them become a better person. This is not always a blissful experience.

Being in an honest, sincere, and committed twin flames relationship helps you to become a better version of yourself. You have to push yourself beyond your comfort zone, beyond your limits to find your better self.

Even though we tend to think of twin flames as a symbiotic union; twin flames relationships can be rough at the beginning. They can be like two jagged edged puzzle pieces trying to click into place. Sometimes it looks like you do not fit together at all, but soon after a little bit of twisting, turning, and flipping the pieces around, you feel the moment of the perfect click. It’s a feeling deep in your soul, that says, this is the one.

Not all twin flames relationship end up in marriage, some of them have huge age differences, or one of them may even have passed on and waiting for them.

You know you’ve found your twin flame when: usually romantic relationship.

  • Intuitively knowing what the other person is doing, feeling, or thinking about. Plus, you find that they can detect the same things about you.
  • Sharing many of the same interests, values, hobbies, and preferences. For example, your twin flame probably has a lot of books in your favorite genre. Similarly, you likely gravitate towards the same food as well.
  • Often having the same thoughts or emotions at the same time, even if you’re in different places. When you’re together in person, this may result in you saying the same thing at almost the exact same moment.
  • Feeling a strong physical pull to touch and be close, whether in a romantic or platonic setting.
  • Having the same dreams at night, and frequently appearing in each other’s dreams. Sometimes your dreams will only overlap in theme, but the core message and feeling will be similar.
  • Feeling like you can easily communicate without speaking out loud. A simple glance will often be enough to tell you what your twin flame thinks about what’s going on around you.
  • Understanding complex or hidden parts of each other. This can be uncomfortable and confronting, but it can also be deeply liberating and validating.
  • Sharing some of the same vulnerabilities and weaknesses. You may see some of your old faults in your twin flame, or have some of your present difficulties highlighted by the way this person behaves.
  • Feeling like it’s safe and natural to be your authentic self around this person. For example, even if you’re normally shy, a twin flame will quickly make you feel comfortable enough to just be you.

All of your past love relationships have prepared you to recognize and call on your LifeMate.

Many people go through different kinds of relationships in an effort to find the one person that they truly want to be with for the rest of their lives. It can be hard to tell who is supposed to be your life mate, and who is simply supposed to be a relationship partner. Sometimes, we confuse the two and spend longer than we need to in a relationship that isn’t meant to last forever. Especially with Life Mates… they see or view their mates through their minds eyes, or souls like magnets drawn together.  They do not see race, color, creed, gender…. they simply are. 

There are some key differences between a simple relationship and a relationship with your life mate.

Once you know the difference, finding that special someone to spend your whole life with will be a much easier task. Not only that, but you will be able to pinpoint relationships that aren’t working much easier.

When your life mate walks into your life, it can suddenly feel like you’ve known them your entire life. While you may be finding out new things about them every day, they don’t feel like a stranger to you. You’re immediately comfortable around them, and feel like you can tell them anything.

With lifemates, it can take a while to start to trust them and get to know them. But your life mate is going to feel like you’ve known each other from the moment you were born. It’s an amazing feeling.

When you meet your lifemate everything about them is attractive to you. Not only are you going to be physically attracted to what they look like, but you’re going to be spiritually and emotionally attracted to them as well. When it comes to simple relationship partners, you may find them attractive, but not everything else lives up to the idea of a life mate. You may get along well, and have a good time together, but it’s not quite the same as being spiritually and emotionally attracted to someone.

When you’re with your life mate, it’ll almost feel like they can read your mind. While that’s not actually possible, they will be much more highly attuned with your emotions and your personality to be able to feel like they’re able to read your mind.

“It seems like your senses and perceptions are feeding off of each other so much so that one or both of you often say, “I was just thinking that”, “You read my mind”, or ”How did you know?”

The deep spiritual and emotional connection that you share with your lifemate, will make it so that communication flows between you much easier. This isn’t to say you won’t have your moments, but you’ll be able to work them out much quicker.

With relationships, people can sometimes feel their love plateau – or worse, they can feel themselves falling back out of love with the person that they were with. When you find your life mate, you don’t have that problem. In fact, you just keep falling deeper and deeper in love with them. It doesn’t seem to end. There’s a never-ending well of love inside your heart for this specific person. All of their flaws and quirks are just a part of them and they make you love them even more. Every day you find something new about your life mate that makes you love them more than you already did – even if you didn’t think it was possible.

When you’re with your lifemate, you feel absolutely secure and protected both physically and emotionally from all of the stressors in the world. You know that your mate has your back through anything.

Regardless of the gender of your partner, he or she should always make you feel secure and protected. Your lifemate will make you feel like you have a guardian angel by your side. They do not play on your insecurities, whether consciously or subconsciously.

No matter what comes up, they’re going to instinctively have your back and be on your side – even if you’re in the wrong. But they’ll be there to help you through anything, and you’ll never have to worry about not having someone in your corner.

Unlike with a soulmate, a lifemate relationship they do not complete one another since they come together already complete just adding to one another. They do help each other become a better version of themselves. This is not always a blissful experience, but it does lead to an honest, sincere, and committed lifemate relationship.

Often lifemates appear in disguise. You might not be physically attracted to each other when you first meet, but it grows on you as time goes by, almost compelling you to get to know this person. 

  • Life mates reminds you or is similar to many animal matings.

          Among animals there has been many stories of the traits of animals like wolves, and other animals mating for life – cannot envision being with anyone else, they exist to please and make each other happy. With absolute commitment. When one of the partners dies the other slowly dies inside as well until they join their mate in Summerland. 

You know your Lifemate when:

  Deep, steady, unwavering, reliable love that makes you feel at peace

  Sustainability and feeling like it is “just the beginning”

  A joint mission that will take a lifetime to complete

  Lifestyle match, you want to live the same life

  Both partners, as individuals, have done the work to become a whole person, so you are two whole people coexisting

  They naturally bring out the best in you

  They support healthy independence

  No games or jealousy

  Both partners can surrender to love and be supported in their individual life mission

  A powerful ability for co-creation together

  Yin/Yang energy balance (polarity and integration of equal and opposite forces)

  You are proud and admire them as an individual in the world

  Deep healing that takes place in this relationship

  They tick all the boxes and you also have a sense of chemistry and longevity

  Spiritual/Sexual connection 

WHY THIS RELATIONSHIP COMES INTO OUR LIFE: This is the grand angel that comes into your life to show you how to personally embody sacred union and hold you accountable to truly evolve. You two had a soul contract to do this life together! 

  HOW WE CAN HEAL FROM THIS: Being supported in your own mission, finding sustainable balance and oneness with each other mimics the oneness of Source/God/Spirit. Nothing heals more deeply than this.

  RESOURCES: Just because you have found your life partner does not mean it will be roses for the rest of your life, as we all know, relationships are hard work!!​ 

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