A Magickal Color Guide

A Magickal Color Guide

Whatever type of magick you are working with for your spells to get the best results this guide can be helpful.  Even though this guide is initially set up for doing candle magick you can apply it to many situations or spells.  For example, I use it for when we celebrate at Beltane / Beltaine, to choose ribbon colors to weave when you dance the Maypole.  This is the color guide we at Charmed By Starr work with to do each and every single spell work that we do for you. We have you look at the information and make a choice, but depending on the spell we are working on for you, (since each of you are such different and unique individuals) we have to sometimes make an intuitive decision as to where we are guided to get you the best results or outcome designated for you and those involved with your spell. And, yes, sometimes some colors works in tangent with other colors to produce even more powerful outcomes and results. So get creative and make some choices. ?

Red:  Ruled by Mars.  Pure, unadulterated energy; sexual prowess; used for love and love healing, love protection, initiation, activating, aggression, strength, control, general health and vitality magicks.  Great for weight loss and energy (motivation & activating).  Also deep, devotional love, passion, marriage—Venus governs love but Mars rules marriage!  Choose red when you want to attract a new love or sexual partner, or for seduction.  Do not use red for burns, abrasions, rashes, fevers or any other disorders involving a volatile Mars influence—use white or blue instead.

Pink:  Ruled by Venus.  Used for love attraction, healing; devotion.  It is subtle but sexual.  Good for renewal and stirring the passions.  Very much like red in this respect as it can work with devotional love and soulmating.  Other magicks are family, selflessness, self love, friendship, socializing.  Candles invoking the Vodun Goddess Erzulie are best done on pink or red candles.

(N.B.):  Some people prefer working with pink rather than red, but I personally have gotten excellent results with people who have used red, even after they had tried pink.  Go with whichever color vibrates best for you—that’s what will work best.)

Orange:  Ruled by Mercury.  Communication, creativity, success, contracts, business.  Great for apartment and job hunting, luck, kindness, celebration, mental health issues (helps with the frontal lobe of the brain to activate aspects as needed to help in healing them), abundance, optimism, communication and comfort.  Also draws others to us (attraction) to help us achieve these goals.  Tends to sway decisions in our favor; good for actors and actresses in particular.

Yellow/Gold:  Ruled by the Sun.  Devotional offerings; beauty, happiness, joy and renewal.  Relieves depression, positivity, courage, vitality, progress, communication, mental clarity and focus.  Like orange, also attracts.  Ruler of the soul.  Devotional candles to the African Love Goddess Ochun are best done in yellow, with copper, blue, green, gold and/or silver glitter.

Green:  Also ruled by Venus.  Material abundance and well-being.  Cash!  Venus works on an earthly level; the material world in all its glory is Her domain.  Venus works well with Mercury, so you could use an orange candle in conjunction with a green one to open doors and remove obstacles so that your desire manifests itself more easily and quickly.  It is also used for healing of female problems and cancer; love healing, finance, luck, charity, health, prosperity, vitality, nature, fertility and balance magicks as well.

Blue:  Ruled by Neptune and the Ocean Mother.  Peace, harmony, house blessing, healing, protection of the home or dwelling, understanding, patience, honor, fidelity, health, healing, justice and tranquility.  To the Egyptians, it also brings wisdom.

Purple:  Ruled by Jupiter.  Divinity, devotion; knowledge; success and expansion in all endeavors.  Deep royal color, proud, regal.  The Mysteries of psychic knowledge; use with great wisdom of what your needs are, so note that wisdom, power, divination, inspiration, power, spirituality, empowerment and enchantment magicks. Also great for legal cases and clearing up difficult problems; healing severe diseases.

Brown:  Ruled by and sacred to Mother Earth.  A stabilizer and grounder, for serious work or employment.  Forces action where there is none.  Also blessing and thanks for all material/earthly things.  Use in a money drawing ritual in addition or in collaboration with a green candle to encourage and stabilize continuing monetary income, keeping it at home to work for you, rather than just coming in and heading right out the door. In addition, concentration, searching and protection of what’s yours.

White:  Ruled by the Moon.  Healing, protective, devotional, peaceful.  It is also used in all purifying rituals: uncrossing, cleansing.  It is usually wise to uncross situations in all spell work or rituals before proceeding to change things or make them better, i.e., remove any or all obstacles that are in your way first, this is the color to help with that, so definitely uncrossing, then do the main spellworking. Additionally magicks for truth, inspiration, clarity, spiritual strength and clarity.

NOTE: If there are no candles available in the color you need, you can use white:  Buy a small candle of the color needed, light it and drip it over the top of the white candle to assist you in focusing your visualization.

Grey:  No particular rulership.  Sometimes used in place of silver when working with/honoring the Moon.  Neutralizes; stops bad luck, gossip, arguments.  Slows things down so that you can gain a clearer perspective.  Oddly enough, also staves off loneliness and can be used to attract friends & confidants.

Black:  Ruled by Saturn.  Black has long been considered a negative color which is used strictly in black magick; this is a misconception.  There are some misdirected individuals who would use it for ill; to informed practitioners it has much to offer us on a positive level.  Some banishings require black candles.  Retributive spells (used only under extreme circumstances such as violent crimes, i.e., murder, rape etc.) would call for a Justice seal while asking that the associated karma be balanced out.  Black candles also help with grounding oneself and are great for protection when lit on a Saturday (Saturn’s day; see the section on Correspondences).

Seven-Colors/Seven African Powers:  Each color relates to a God or Goddess, a Saint, a planet, a chakra, etc. depending upon which system you are using.  Originally used to invoke the seven Great African Powers (Gods/loa: Ellegua, Obatala, Yemaya, Ochun, Chango, Oya and Oggun) in Vodun ceremonies, it is now often used to uncross all of the chakra centers: Root, generative (or spleen), solar plexus, heart, throat, pineal (“third eye”) and crown.  It reopens your energy centers and removes physical obstacles.  This candle usually has a lot of work to do, so please be patient while it works.

Gold:  Ruled by the Sun.  Devotional offerings and Honoring the Gods; beauty, happiness, joy and renewal.  Relieves depression, positivity, courage, vitality, progress, communication, mental clarity and focus.  Like orange, also attracts.  Ruler of the strength, gives you umpf, masculinity, luxury, power, success, confidence, and creativity.

Silver:  No particular rulership.  Sometimes used in place of grey/gray when working with/honoring the Moon.  Honoring the Moon Goddesses in general. Neutralizes; stops bad luck, gossip, arguments.  Slows things down so that you can gain a clearer perspective.  Oddly enough, also staves off loneliness and can be used to attract friends & confidants. Other magicks are femininity, emotional stability, inspiration, dreams and psychic ability.

Bronze:  No particular rulership.  Helps with focusing your energies and thoughts, slowing things down so that you can gain a clearer perspective, positivity, friendship and unity.


EARTH…YELLOW            AIR…..BLUE              WATER…GREEN                FIRE….RED


MONDAY ….White, Silver, Pearl, Cream, Grays, Pale Pinks, Pale Violets,Pale Blues

TUESDAY….red                                  WEDNESDAY…. Green, Orange, Yellow

THURSDAY…. Purple, Royal Blue                         FRIDAY…. Pink, Green

SATURDAY ….Black, Dark Blue, Brown               SUNDAY…. Gold, Orange


Happy Magickal endings… )O(

Blessed Be!

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